We have integrated a bunch of Advanced Instruments inside the SupremePanel Control Panel. All these tools will allow you to do effortless things for example safeguarding a folder by using a security password and also more advanced ones like, for example, modifying the PHP release of your website hosting account. Although the jobs they do will vary, the Advanced Instruments have 1 uniformity. They are quite user–friendly and uncomplicated and require absolutely no specific ability from you.

Hotlink Protection

Secure yourself from bandwidth theft

Whenever you create unique content material there will always be someone who will attempt to get hold of it without having your permission. It is true equally to written text and pics. And here, the Hotlink Protection tool included in our Control Panel will truly assist you. With just a click of the mouse, you are going to secure all photographs on your web site by blocking other websites from connecting to them.

Using this method, not only will you prevent people from stealing your visuals, but you will also ensure that you follow your monthly data traffic limit.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized building of .htaccess files

Included inside the SupremePanel Control Panel you’ll find .htaccess Generator – a strong software instrument, which allows you to create .htaccess files while not having to make them by hand. The tool demands zero expertise and zero knowledge of .htaccess file operations.

Through an .htaccess file, you can quickly divert a couple of pages of your web site as well as the whole website to a whole new area. You can even use it to defend a folder by way of a username and password as well as to permit PHP code inside HTML files, etcetera.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Prevent malicious IPs from accessing your website

For those who have a busy web site, at some point you become a victim of spammers and destructive website visitors. You can easily guard all of your sites from this sort of activities by using the IP blocking tool included in the Control Panel. The tool will allow you to timely prevent an IP address or possibly a whole array of IPs with just a mouse–click.

In addition to our detailed web stats as well as our GeoIP redirection tools, the IP Blocking tool will allow you to proficiently manage the ability to access your site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Switch the PHP rules for your website

In the event the application you use requires a specific PHP release, or, if you have to make any PHP adjustments, it’s easy to achieve this within the SupremePanel Control Panel. You’re able to switch the PHP version with a click of your computer mouse, selecting from past PHP editions to the current steady PHP release. You might also instantly modify the most vital settings inside the php.ini file, or create a total overhaul of how your PHP release operates.

It’s not necessary to wait for long hours or reactivate anything for your adjusts to work. The whole set of changes are applied online the second you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automated planned tasks

Inside the SupremePanel Control Panel, we’ve launched a hassle–free and intuitive user interface for establishing new as well as taking care of established cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job can be described as a timetabled task – often a script, that is carried out at defined periods of time. It can be a simple script for checking if your web site is online, an emailing script, a website effectiveness record, etc.

It is easy to configure and use cron jobs with all our cloud hosting plans. In case you require extra cron jobs, it’s possible to get further as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Easy way to secure your data files

If you need to create a space inside your web site that is seen merely to the users you wish, you can take benefit from our Password Protection tool. Working with it it’s easy to create a username and password protected folder which will be protected and available simply to you and anybody else whom you share the logon credentials with.

The folder will be guarded easily and no–one else can look at exactly what is on the inside. You’ll certainly be the only person who’ll be able to modify or change it unless you choose to authorize different clients to reach it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with just several clicks

From the SupremePanel Control Panel, it is easy to rather quickly direct your site to a different place with the assistance of the URL Redirection instrument. It’s extremely easy to use – all you should actually do is specify where exactly your domain is going to be linked to. No need for any kind of .htaccess files, PHP redirections whatsoever, DNS configurations, and the like to be made. Your website will be sent straight all the way to the brand new spot right away.

You’ll be able to cease the site redirection anytime. What you need to actually do is visit the URL Redirection tool and then disable the site re–direction. Your domain will quickly start pointing to its original location.

URL Redirection