We give you a simple point and click Databases Manager, integrated in the Control Panel, from which you could make brand new MySQL and PgSQL databases instantly. Also, you’re allowed to control all of their adjustments with the instant access given to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software instruments.

Neat and Uncomplicated Interface

Deal with all your databases from just one location

The Databases Manager inside our Control Panel has a robust yet simplified interface. You’ll be able to configure a whole new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just entering a user name and security password. In addition, you can make a back–up file or alter the security password of the database with a mouse click.

Through the Databases Manager you will have immediate access to the administrator area for all your databases, which means you can make simple changes if you happen to have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Quick Database Backup

Defend your database information with simply a mouse click

Provided you have dealt with databases, you are aware that making a manual database back–up is simply not a simple task. So as to change this, we have made a simple and easy to use tool that can back up the entire database with merely one mouse click. The back–up file will be set for you in less than a minute, with regards to the size of the selected database.

There aren’t any limits on exactly how many back–ups you may make for any chosen database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Support

By far the most risk–free open source databases

A lot of SupremePanel’s website hosting plans deliver PgSQL support. While falling behind MySQL with regard to acceptance and application, PgSQL databases are famous for providing the greatest level of safety for your website content and articles. It is the main reason why companies like Skype and Yahoo make use of PgSQL databases as an alternative to MySQL.

With respect to database administration, PgSQL is just as easy to understand as MySQL.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

We have incorporated InnoDB – the new standard MySQL database engine on our machines. InnoDB is perfect for big database web sites that need high functionality and scalability. Trials indicate that websites making use of InnoDB based tables reach a 3–fold general performance grow for huge joins, in comparison to those employing MyISAM tables.

InnoDB uses row–level locking in an effort to clear away the operation problems seen at the high usage times of the previous variant of the database engine – MyISAM, which utilizes table–level locking.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Thorough stats for all of your databases

Through the in–depth database statistics tool built into the Control Panel, you are going to be able to keep tabs of the stress generated from your busy sites twenty–four hours a day. Virtually any overload difficulty with your websites could reduce the loading speeds and have a damaging effect on the online experience of your respective visitors. So, having info about the database work live, it will be possible to resolve overload difficulties immediately.

The database statistics interface shows details of the volume of daily, hourly and monthly lookups, which enables you to review just how the load is spread over several periods of time.

Hepsia File Manager