To maintain a rapidly running website, you should have a clean and well structured backend code. In the Control Panel, you will find a range of tools that can assist you quicken your site’s overall performance without needing to alter anything in the backend code. The Website Acceleration Tools – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish won’t just aid you to deliver faster streaming rates to your visitors and therefore decrease bounce rates, but may also skyrocket your site higher in the search engine listings.

To utilize the Website Acceleration Tools, only log in your Control Panel and create an instance for the acceleration tool you want.


RAM–saving as an alternative to database calls

The Memcached platform is ideal for raising website streaming speeds by caching the database info that is inquired from your site visitors. It’s an amazing distributed memory caching system, allowing for data and objects to be cached within the RAM in place of getting loaded each time a user opens a website.

This platform is perfect for your data–base–loaded sites or apps in which your clients devote a lot of time browsing as well as checking out content. Memcached can be found in the advanced instruments section of the Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as a substitute for HTTP requests

You’ll find a number of tips on how to speed up a site, however, most of these need a designer to edit the back–end code. There are more user–friendly tools for quickening a web site, much like the Varnish website accelerator program incorporated into the Control Panel.

Varnish represents a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which keeps HTTP requests inside the RAM and sends them to the viewer as opposed to waiting around for the server to return them. Trials prove that applying Varnish on a website or a web app usually boosts website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish can be configured how to deal with incoming queries – if they ought to be processed by Varnish, by the web server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Create scalable web applications with no trouble

Node.js gives a contemporary coding program for establishing adaptable web apps and web sites in a record breaking speed. It may be employed for nearly anything – from controlling API calls, streaming information in addition to parsing email messages to converting images, music files, clips and office docs.

It is using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally makes use of an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it compact and effective. In addition, Node.js is known for a huge supporting community that creates steady updates to the platform and is always in a position to aid.

Hepsia File Manager