InnoDB is a database engine for MySQL databases, which is used by well known open-source script-powered applications like Joomla 3 and Magento. It’s excellent for scalable applications, because it performs stunningly well when processing large amounts of data. Rather than locking the entire table to add new information to a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one row, so it can handle much more operations for the same length of time. Besides, InnoDB offers a much better crash recovery and supports transactions and foreign keys – a set of rules that indicate how data inserts and updates should be treated. If a specific task hasn’t been entirely completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. Thus, the database content will be preserved undamaged and won’t be partially mixed with newly entered content.

InnoDB in Website Hosting

You will be able to run any PHP-driven app that needs InnoDB in case you’ve got a website hosting with our company, as the MySQL database storage engine is available on our leading-edge cloud platform by default. Throughout the app installation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup process will continue impeccably if this engine is needed. You can run applications that require the MyISAM engine without having any difficulty as well and, again, the engine will be pre-selected, so you won’t have to change any setting manually at any point. What’s more, we’ll also generate regular backups of all the MySQL databases that you’ve got in your shared account, so in case you delete or overwrite something, we can easily get it back to the way it was on any of the previous 7 days.