In order to prevent the reverse engineering of script apps, a number of developers encode their program code with tools like ionCube PHP Encoder to make it human unreadable. The latter is valid for paid applications in particular, as anybody could possibly use and change the unprotected code without having to pay the required license fees. If you acquire web software encrypted with ionCube PHP Encoder, you can use it without any problems as long as a software instrument known as ionCube Loader is installed on the web hosting server. This loader enables you to run encoded files and you'll often see it as one of the prerequisites for a given script application to be set up. Because the encoded files are already precompiled, they're generally executed more quickly and this will increase the general speed of your site.

IonCube in Website Hosting

IonCube Loader is available on all of the web servers that are part of our cloud hosting platform, therefore regardless of the website hosting that you select during the signup process, you can enable it through your Hepsia Control Panel. This process is as easy as right-clicking an On/Off button in the Advanced section, so even if this is your first website hosting account ever, you will not need to do anything complicated. The same section allows you to select the PHP version for your account (4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2), so in case you decide to move to another version, you only need to activate ionCube Loader for it as well. As our platform is very flexible, you may even set some other PHP version and another status of ionCube using a php.ini file in every domain folder. If this is something you wish to do but you don't have much experience, our 24/7 support team will help you in no time.