All generic extensions and some country-code ones support a security lock option whose purpose is to hinder unsolicited transfers of active domains. Lots of registry organizations that manage country-code TLDs that do not support this feature are in the process of adopting it for the sake of safety and for the convenience of the domain name registrants. A domain can be transferred only on the condition that it is unlocked and only a person who has been given access to the account with the current domain registrar can do that. New domain names are registered with the lock option activated intentionally, so as to stop any unsolicited transfer attempts. The lock option is one of the safety measures for regulating the transfer of existing domain names between domain registrars that have been introduced over the years.

Registrar Lock in Website Hosting

Locking and unlocking a domain name registered through our company is very easy. This can be done through the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with our website hosting, and will take exactly two mouse clicks. All your domains will be displayed alphabetically in the Registered Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel and next to those whose extensions support the registrar lock option, you will notice a padlock-like sign. Click on it once and you will see the current status of the domain. Click once again and you will alter its status. The update will take effect instantly without the need for you or for us to do anything else for the status to be ‘refreshed’ on WHOIS lookup sites, so you can continue with the transfer process straight away.