SPF, which is an abbreviation for Sender Policy Framework, is an authentication system that aims at blocking the so-called e-mail counterfeiting. Essentially, it indicates sending a message from one e-mail address and making it look like it’s sent from another with the idea to scam in some manner the person receiving it. In the event that the SPF protection is running for a domain, a record which contains all the mail servers authorized to email messages with addresses part of the domain is created. The record is stored on all DNS servers that route the web traffic all over the world, so they all will identify if an email message originates from a trustworthy server or not. The check is conducted at the very first server where the e-mail goes through and in the first case the message is forwarded, whereas in the second one it is discarded and it never reaches its intended recipient. Using SPF records for your domain names will prevent all unauthorized people from making use of your email addresses for malicious objectives.

SPF Protection in Website Hosting

The SPF protection option is available by default with every single website hosting plan that we supply and you are able to use it without difficulty so as to protect the emails for each domain name hosted within your account. The service is handled through the Emails section of our hi-tech, yet easy to work with Hepsia Control Panel. All it takes to activate the protection is to type the IP address of the email server as well as its hostname - mail.server.com, for instance. As soon as the protection is activated, only this server will be able to send email messages from e-mails made under the domain that you've picked. Your e-mails can be handled by a different supplier, but in case that we take care of them in addition to your web site, you may also activate the option for e-mails to be sent only if the domain uses our MX records. This feature gives you greater protection as solely our server will be certified to send e-mails from your mailboxes and you will have superior control. If you have any questions or if you experience any difficulties with this particular service, you can contact our tech support crew at any time and they will help you in a timely manner.