TXT is a DNS record, which contains info in human-readable form for external sources to gain information about a particular Internet domain or subdomain. In the most common scenario, such a record is used to prove that you own a domain if you are trying to add it to an Internet search engine or to some traffic analytics platform. Due to the fact that just the domain name owner/administrator may add custom DNS records, the TXT record works as a verification of ownership for the corporation supplying the service. Another popular use for this kind of records is the email SPF (Sender Policy Framework) security, that ensures that an email address shall not be spoofed and that others will not receive junk mail from allegedly your mailbox. The TXT record contains details about the mail server where your digital messages arrive from and functions as proof that it's a reliable one. Because there are no rules about the content of this kind of a record, you could also include any other info also.

TXT Records in Website Hosting

Our custom Hepsia Control Panel allows you to handle the DNS records of any domain name or subdomain accommodated within a website hosting account effortlessly, so if you want to create a new TXT record for any of them, it will not take you more than a few seconds to do this. Using a rather user-friendly point-and-click interface, you'll only have to pick one of your Internet domain names or subdomains from a drop-down menu, pick out TXT for the type from a second menu, and enter the actual content within a box. This is done inside the DNS Records section of Hepsia and very soon after you are all set, the new record is going to be working. If you would like to validate your site with Google, for instance, you will just need to log in to your account with them a couple of minutes later and ask them to check your domain or subdomain. It does not take longer for a TXT record to go live if you require it for any other reason.