Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions for desktop computers, but the Operating System also has a server version, that has been becoming more popular recently. Ubuntu is really quick and supports numerous hardware components, so it can function on pretty much any server not using a lot of system resources. The Operating System is considered to be very dependable and secure, not to mention that due to its popularity, you'll find various sources online with information about any question or problem that you may have. The Long-Term Support (LTS) versions are supported for a minimum of five years, so you are able to get security patches without having to worry about softwareproblems over time. Due to the fact that Ubuntu is totally free to use, you can modify both its core and the thousands of additional software packages which you can download and install in any way you find fit, with no limitations and without any license fees. In this way, you will receive a rapid, stable and powerful web hosting service and pay just the cost of the server.